Flexible Equity ETF
(As of and is updated daily)
Premium / Discount
Shares Outstanding
Closing Price
30-Day Median Spread
Past performance is not indicative of future results. Principal value and investment returns will fluctuate, and investors' shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than the original cost. Returns are based on Market Price or NAV, assume the reinvestment of all distributions and the deduction of all Fund expenses. Performance would have been lower if expenses had not been waived in various periods. For monthly and quarterly performance information, please call 1-877-876-6383.
All investments involve risk, including possible loss of principal. Please see each product's web page for specific details regarding investment objective, risks, performance, and other important information. Review this information carefully before you make any investment decision.
NAV column shows daily price and daily price change.
1Source: SEI as of
and is updated monthly.